SEOKEY 1.5: boost your SEO strategy!

The main objective of SEOKEY is to guide you in your daily SEO optimizations.


With SEOEKY 1.5, we focused on developing a new menu “My keywords”. You will be able to know if your targeted keywords have visibility in search engines such as Google, but above all, what is the action you need to take afterwards to get the Grail: the first position!


Discover this new feature with more precise advice, as well as our improved alternative text editor!

A new menu for your keywords

If you are worried about SEO, it is essential to have a global vision of the next actions to deploy. We have designed a brand-new menu to list all the keywords you have targeted!

Keyword menu SEOKEY SEO Plugin

At a glance, you will be able to have in mind all the expressions on which you would like to appear in Google, while having the corresponding results (average position, clicks, impressions, etc.).


All you have to do is follow the advice given in the last column.

Better tips for your next actions

And that’s the strength of SEOKEY 1.5: the advice you are given for each publication has been thoroughly improved to be more accurate.

We may advise you to take the following actions:


  • Wait: content is too recent or has been recently updated;
  • Change keyword: another URL is visible on Google with this keyword or you have targeted the same term twice;
  • Check indexation: the content is old, but you have no data in your Search Console ;
  • Do nothing: 1st position, congratulations;
  • Continue to optimize: you are in the top 20;
  • Improve Title tag or meta Description: you are well positioned, but the click rate is very low;
  • Check keyword relevance: you are well positioned, but this search is almost never used in Google (very few impressions);
  • Optimize: you still have work to do.

An improved alternative text editor

SEOKEY’s alternative text editor is already very useful to edit the alternative texts of all your images in the media library.


But as some people already know, medias are no longer linked together when inserted inside content. Changing the ALT in the content does not change the ALT in the media library, and vice versa.


With SEOKEY 1.5 and WordPress 6.0 (or higher), this is no longer the case! The alternative text editor always changes your ALT in the media library, and if your images don’t have one in your content, SEOKEY will use the one in the library.

But that's not all!

Like every release, we have also listened to your feedback to continuously improve our extension.


Here is what you can find in version 1.5 of SEOKEY:


  • Performance improvements;
  • Bug fixes, including Search Console disconnections (you will have to reconnect one last time) or the wrong encoding of the robots.txt file on some hostings;
  • An improvement for all texts (in English and in French);
  • The addition of an  OpenGraph and Twitter Card notification after importing data from another extension (like Yoast or Rankmath);
  • A better interface (alignments, duplicate bullets, etc.).

All you have to do is test it!

Picture of Daniel Roch

Daniel Roch

CEO of SeoMix & SEOKEY, SEO consultant & WordPress developer.

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