SEOKEY 1.8: A more powerful SEO Audit

SEOKEY 1.8 is now available! We suggest you update your site as soon as possible to take advantage of the latest improvements and new features!

A powerful audit 🔥

We’re very proud to continue improving our unique SEO audit.

New audited elements

First of all, new analyses were added to our SEO audit:

  • analysis of your authors and settings in the “Who are you?” menu (for better markup)
  • with WooCommerce, the associated products are also analyzed

Future releases will continue to expand and improve analyses, so you can boost your SEO!

ACF field audit

It was a long-standing request: be able to audit ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) fields. From now on, all you have to do is activate the analysis for the fields you’re interested in by checking the corresponding option.

Option to audit an ACF field in the SEOKEY SEO audit

Currently, the following fields are supported (including within repeater fields):

  • text ;
  • textarea ;
  • email ;
  • URL ;
  • rich editor TinyMCE ;
  • image ;
  • image gallery.

We’ve also added a fee hooks for developers so you can easily audit other field types.

FAQ blocks 🔥

Another new feature is our first Gutenberg block to enrich your content: the FAQ block with automatic markup!

The SEOKEY FAQ block

Even if FAQs are no longer highlighted in Google, it helps the search engine to better understand your content. And so do visitors to your site!

Bonus: one-click conversion of old Yoast SEO FAQ blocks!

Convert a Yoast FAQ block into an SEOKEY FAQ block

Other news 🔥

And we haven’t stopped there. In our PRO version, we’ve added a feature that allows you to validate several automatic redirects at once, saving you a huge amount of time by speeding up redirects that are too often slow for crawl and indexation.

Option to validate multiple WordPress automatic redirects with SEOKEY

Of course, this version of SEOKEY also brings a number of fixes to our SEO audit, sitemaps and various texts and translations.


Here are the details of all the changes to SEOKEY 1.8, the SEO plugin you won’t be able to live without!

					- New: ACF fields can now be used during your SEO audit
- New: WordPress automatic 301 redirections can now be validated in bulk
- New: adding SEOKEY FAQ blocks with schema markup (and convert Yoast blocks)
- New: new audit task about incomplete “Who are you?” settings
- New: new audit task about incomplete authors data (job, birthdate)
- Improvement: source URL can now be different from current domain if needed
- Third-party: content audit tasks can now detect upsell products links (WooCommerce)
- Third-party: fix a bug where SEOKEY was blocking login errors messages from Easy Digital Downloads login screen
- Fixed: texts and translations fixes
 Fixed: settings screen is now compatible with on smaller devices
- Fixed: fix a bug where the sitemap URL path was wrong if WP_CONTENT_URL was defined as a subdomain
- Fixed: fix a bug where the TinyMCE editor was broken for contributors
- Fixed: sitemaps are now created again if the site language is changed in WordPress general settings
- Fixed: fix a bug where terms where not correctly audited in rare cases
- Fixed: fix a bug with SEO plugins data import when posts did not have authors
Picture of Daniel Roch

Daniel Roch

CEO of SeoMix & SEOKEY, SEO consultant & WordPress developer.

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